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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Arthur Attacks Two Test Series Against Proteas

AS CRICKET nations put the finishing touches to a new schedule that is not expected to solve the problems of the old one, former Proteas coach Mickey Arthur said Australia and South Africa deserved better than the two-Test series shoehorned into the program in November.

Arthur, who orchestrated Australia's first home series defeat in 16 years and is now coach of Western Australia, is dismayed that the customary three Tests have been cut back to two, not enough for the sort of epic battle fought between the two countries in recent series.

Test nations have been working for two years on a new Future Tours Program for 2012 to 2020, which is now being finalised with the structure of global Test and ODI championships. But there are fears the system will remain flawed while individual countries can negotiate their own tours.

Cricket Australia agreed to tour South Africa in November in exchange for the Proteas playing in the Boxing Day.

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